Monday, July 25, 2011

margarita's, mexican food, family, friends
and birthday cake equals
a pretty awesome weekend birthday celebration.
happy birthday babe!

Monday, July 18, 2011


a perfect summer day
sno cones and the fountains.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

most days i am in awe of the internet
it is my go to place for inspiration, daydreaming and stay at home travel.
my reader always has hundreds of blog post waiting for me to discover
something new and awesome in the world. I usually choose which blogs i read
based on my mood at that time, however lately instead of a respite from the
daily grind it has become an intimidating as well as anger-inducing place
that leaves me with feelings of inadequacy, unhappiness and anger.
i am aware of how silly that sounds and all the usual colloquialisms but the reality
is that sometimes the internet is just cruel, even if it is well edited and most are
hiding their flaws.
we are in a place and time in life that is challenging and potentially life-altering,
and have been here for a couple of years, it has been hard to stay focused and positive.
i have spent much of this time searching and focusing on the reason.
we can't always control the lessons taught to us
or the paths we travel
or the time that passes
or how people react to us and treat us
and comparing ourselves to others is always a losing battle,
but i have learned that our response and willingness to learn from
the hard times can be just as life altering as the events themselves.
i have learned that i am not the patient, laid back and disciplined person i thought.
and wow has it been hard to swallow and not so easy to change and i let the world
through the internet add to the stress and anger.
but i have accepted that this is where we are and even though i may never know why,
it is my choice how it changes me.

Monday, July 4, 2011

i hope that however you choose to celebrate your freedom today
that you do it with intense passion and that at some moment
you feel just how blessed we are deep in your gut.
happy independence day america!