Friday, November 26, 2010

black friday here so i am offering 10% off in my etsy shop

enter "holidaylove" at checkout

happy shopping!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

today was the perfect holiday. casual, good food, lots of wine, tender moments, laughter and a trip to the park.

today i am thankful for
family and friends,
my girls,
my husband,
complete nourishment,
warmth and shelter,
this country and her opportunities,
those who fight for my freedom,
nature and the way it touches my soul,
and the possibility that things will only get better.

i hope you have a beautiful day full of perfect pies, countless conversations and magical moments.
happy thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm not really feeling the holiday spirit this year but I am going through the motions with the best of intentions and hoping the excitement will strike at any moment. I am hopeful that the expected drop in temperature just in time for Thanksgiving, including a possible frost, will help fuel my holiday enthusiasm. But in the meantime I have been savoring the last of the growing season and the warm weather.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

today i am thankful for
the slight change in the seasons,
familiar signs of fall,
ideal temperatures,
new creatures discovered,
the remaining blooms,
glorious colors,
and the opportunity to experience it all.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to my online space where I hope to share ideas, inspiration and narrate the happenings around me from my small space in this immense world.